UAMS is one of the very few colleges of pharmacy that offer a nuclear pharmacy educational program.
Nuclear Pharmacy Program Director
Brigette Serfaty, PharmD, BCNP, FAPhA

Brigette Serfaty, MS, PharmD, BCNP, FAPhA, Dip-ACLM, NBC-HWC is the primary faculty member for the University of Arkansas College of Pharmacy as Associate Professor Nuclear Pharmacy Practice and Director of Nuclear Education Online. She has almost 30 years of corporate experience in the nuclear pharmacy and PBM industries in a variety of leadership and management roles. Dr. Serfaty’s nuclear pharmacy career has been focused in quality & safety, regulatory compliance, auditing and training with roles at Syncor, CPSI, Cardinal Health, Triad Isotopes and PharmaLogic.
In addition to nuclear pharmacy practice, Dr. Serfaty led In addition to nuclear pharmacy practice, Dr. Serfaty led both small and large teams with focus on client-facing workers’ compensation benefits and opioid management programs, where she was often an invited speaker. She was named Fellow of the APhA in 2011 and has served as Chair of the Nuclear Pharmacy SIG and of numerous APhA nuclear pharmacy committees, as well as of the BPS Specialty Council on Nuclear Pharmacy. Dr. Serfaty also provides executive coaching services focused on wellbeing and work-life alignment and general wellness. Dr. Serfaty received her PharmD from University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and her Masters of Science from Purdue University. She is board-certified in nuclear pharmacy, health & wellness coaching and lifestyle medicine, and is certified in yoga, yoga therapy and mindfulness meditation.
Retired Faculty & Program Creator, Professor Emeritus
Nicki Hilliard, PharmD, MHSA, BCNP, FAPhA

Dr. Hilliard is nationally known expert in nuclear pharmacy practice and was first nuclear pharmacist to serve as President of the American Pharmacist Association in 2018-2019. She has received numerous awards including the William H. Briner Award for Distinguished Achievement in Nuclear Pharmacy Practice (the first woman to receive the award), the APhA Good Government Pharmacist-of-the-Year, the Bowl of Hygeia Award for Community Service, the APhA Award of Merit, the American College of Nuclear Medicine Mentor Award, and is an APhA Fellow.
Professional Curriculum
The curriculum consists of:
- COP PHPR 7104 Nuclear Pharmacy (required course of all students). This 1 credit hour course is designed as an introduction to the basic aspects of nuclear pharmacy.
- COP PHPR 7155 Nuclear Physics
- COP PHPR 7156 Health Physics
- COP PHPR 7153 Radiation Biology
- COP PHPR 7154 Instrumentation
- COP PHPR 7152 Radiopharmacy
These courses are taught by College of Pharmacy and College of Health Professions nuclear medicine staff. Completion of the entire course sequence provides the 200 hour didactic training necessary to lead to the Authorized Nuclear Pharmacist certificate.
When combined with 500 hours of experiential training, this certificate enables the trainee to be added to a radioactive materials license to practice as a nuclear pharmacist.
For more information on training requirements see the Nuclear Regulatory Commission website.