The Nuclear Education Online Basic Radiation Safety is an introductory level course in the fundamentals of radiation safety intended to meet the training requirements required of employees who receive, or might receive, a health-care related occupational exposure while working in or near a controlled / restricted area. The course focuses on the need for every employee, both radiological workers and non-radiological workers, to play an active role in maintaining exposures to radiation and radioactive materials within regulatory (Nuclear Regulatory Commission or Agreement State) limits and in compliance with As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) principles.
This course is geared toward the nuclear pharmacy and nuclear medicine industry and uses examples from those settings. It is NOT intended to replace hands-on training in radiation safety according to the facility radioactive materials license conditions.
This web-based, self-paced program is offered in eight modules.
- Fundamentals of Radiation and Radioactivity
- Radiation Biology
- Radiation Dose Limits and ALARA
- Personnel Monitoring
- Access Controls and Postings
- Emergency and Spill Procedures
- Contamination Control
- Employee Responsibilities
Each module consists of user controlled slides with or without audio voiceover. The user may repeat or return to any slide as often as necessary. Each module contains a self-assessment that may be repeated as needed. Successful course completion is achieved with a final exam. Certificates of completion are available upon course completion and sent to the user in pdf form.
Classroom equivalent: 4 hours
Program Costs: $52