Message from the Department Chair
John D. Imig, PhD
Welcome to the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS).
The mission of our Department is to perform innovative research in areas of medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutics, natural compounds, and the radiation sciences, to provide outstanding graduate training leading to an MS, PhD, or PharmD/PhD, and to provide pharmacy students with the basic skills and knowledge they need to become strong and compassionate pharmacists.
Departmental faculty, research and administrative staff, and graduate students contribute to research, education, service, and community engagement through a collaborative spirit. We are a comprehensive group dedicated to quality in research, graduate and postdoctoral training, and pharmacy education.
The multidisciplinary research interests of our faculty are well positioned to facilitate and accelerate discovery of new therapeutics to target human diseases. Through collaborative efforts basic research findings are being developed into drugs and therapeutics for improving overall health and quality of life.
The research programs in this department are tightly integrated with several Centers and Institutes on the UAMS campus:
- COBRE Center for Studies of Host Response Therapy
- UAMS Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute
- UAMS Translational Research Institute
- BioVentures
The department delivers an excellent graduate education with innovative biomedical research experiences. The graduate program size encourages the development of close working relationships between students and faculty.Our graduates are successful scientists in universities, pharmaceutical companies, and government.
Learn more about the Pharmaceutical Sciences Department
Please explore our website for more information about our departmental research and education.