Admission Requirements
References Excellent letters of reference are required and previous research experience is desirable but not required.
Foreign Applicants Applicants should obtain scores of 95 on the Internet based Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).
Faculty Support To gain admission, students are required to obtain the support of a Pharmaceutical Sciences track-specific faculty advisor who holds sufficient resources for the student’s graduate stipend (years three and four) as well as the students research investigations (years one through four).
This is somewhat different from how many graduate programs operate; however, the Pharmaceutical Sciences track faculty feel that in these times of diminishing resources for research programs the best configuration is to admit students who have shown sufficient motivation to identify their specific interests and match them immediately with faculty advisors who have in place activities compatible with the students interests.
GRE Scores (Optional) — GRE scores are no longer required for the Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate program. However, you may submit official GRE scores to support your application. The ETS institution code for the UAMS Graduate School is 6901.
Didactic Curriculum
- The Doctor of Pharmacy degree requirements of the Pharmaceutical Sciences track involve five specific core courses with each providing three credit hours, resulting in 15 total credit hours.
- This set of five core courses will be the didactic backbone of the Pharmaceutical Sciences track that all track students will be required to complete. In addition, each student will complete an additional nine credit hours (minimum) of elective didactic courses that will provide the student specialized knowledge, skills and experience within their specific area of interest or focus.
- Thus a minimum of 24 didactic credit hours will be completed by all students in the Pharmaceutical Sciences track before they undertake the candidacy exam.
- Once the student has passed the candidacy exam they are considered a doctoral candidate and this information is conveyed to the Graduate School office.
- The students then is required to register for at least one credit hour of Dissertation credit (PSCI6200v) each semester until they have successfully submitted and defended their dissertation work. A total of 18 credit hours of Dissertation (PSCI6200v) is required for graduation.
- The student will be required to successfully defend their dissertation and must provide the Graduate School Office at least 30 days’ notice of the dissertation defense date, time and location.
- At least four of the five members of the Doctoral Advisory Committee must approve the dissertation by signature.
Doctoral Advisory Committee
The Doctoral Advisory Committee is formed by consultation of the major professor with the Pharmaceutical Sciences track director and the student. The Committee will be composed of five members holding graduate faculty status at UAMS.
A minimum of four members must be from the PSGP graduate faculty and the fifth shall be a member from another graduate program on campus or outside UAMS (with approval from the Graduate School).
The Doctoral Advisory Committee membership will be transmitted to the Graduate School Dean for approval.