Department of Pharmacy Practice
Dr. Bradley Martin is currently Professor and was the founding head of the Pharmaceutical Evaluation and Policy (PEP) Division at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Pharmacy. Dr. Martin has offered graduate level instruction in real world evidence observational study design and cost effectiveness modeling for over two decades and has served as the major advisor for 10 Ph.D. students and 12 M.S. students. Dr. Martin received his Pharm.D. from the University of Illinois and earned his Ph.D. in Pharmacy Care Administration from the University of Georgia. Dr. Martin’s research efforts have focused on conducting real world evidence studies and economic analyses using large administrative data sets and national health surveys, conducts policy analyses, and develops cost effectiveness models and has contributed to the understanding of the opioid epidemic. He has contributed to a better understanding of the opioid epidemic and discovered how quickly persons transition from acute to chronic opioid use which has shaped opioid policies in the United States. Dr. Martin has over 100 peer reviewed manuscripts published which have been collectively cited over 12,000 times and his work has been funded by NIH, AHRQ, VA, DOJ and a variety of research foundations as well as partnerships with the pharmaceutical industry. Dr. Martin contributed to national policy research on health care financing and has lead an international effort to improve the conduct and reporting of observational research organized by three national and international associations: ISPOR, NPC, AMCP. Dr. Martin currently serves on the Midwest Comparative Effectiveness Public Advisory Council (Midwest CEPAC), a core program of the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) which offers national guidance based on evidence for clinical decision-making and coverage policies.
Education & Training
- 1989 Pharm.D. University of Illinois Chicago
- 1993 Ph.D. University of Georgia
Research & Scholarly Interests
- Pharmaceutical Policy Analyses
- Pharmacoepidemiologic and Pharmacoeconomic Research using Large
- Administrative Databases
- Cost Effectiveness Modeling
- Opioid Use and Substance Use Disorders
Teaching Responsibilities
- PHPR 5642 Evidence-based Medicine and Pharmacoeconomics: Meta-analysis, Overview of Pharmacoeconomic Designs, Interpreting Cost Studies, Interpreting Cost-effectiveness modeling studies, Using evidence to influence formulary decisions
- PHSC 5353 Pharmacoeconomics and Health Care Technology Assessment: History of economic evaluations, Gov. projects, Theoretical basis of pharmacoeconomics, Welfare Economics, Review of basic finance & accounting, Time value of money & Discounting, Types of economic costs, Identifying costs, Measuring cost, Valuing cost, Macro-costing, Micro-costing, Introduction to Pharmacoeconomic Designs, Cost of Illness studies, Cost Minimization analyses, Cost Identification studies, Cost Effectiveness Analysis, Cost Utility Analysis, Interpreting Marginal Cost Effectiveness Ratios, Strong and Weak Dominance, The “Reference Case” Analysis, Introduction to Decision Analysis, Modeling a Clinical Decision, Becoming familiar with TreeAge Pro, Building Deterministic Decision Trees, Decision Tree Nodes, Branches, and Payoffs, Using Variables in TreeAge, Using Formulas in TreeAge, Sensitivity Analyses and Thresholds, Distributions in TreeAge, Monte Carlo Simulations, Tracker Variables, Markov Modeling, Data Sources for Decision Modeling, Cost Benefit Analysis, Willingness to Pay Methods, Deriving Utility weights for Cost Effectiveness Analysis, Rating Scale, Time Trade-Off, Standard Gamble
- PHSC5333 Applied Research Methods using Retrospective Data Sources: Types and Sources of Health Care Data, The basic structure and organization of health care claims data, Inputting Data into SAS, Managing SAS Libraries to store data, SAS data step, Prescription Claims Information and Sources, Prescription Codes and National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP), Overview of PBMs, SAS functions, IF-THEN statements, Health Care Codes, ICD-9-CM and ICD-10 codes, DRGs, UB-92 Forms, SAS dates and organizing ‘time’ in your programs, SAS Informats and Formats, CPT-4 and HCPCS codes, Validating Data, Proc Contents, Proc Print, Proc Means, Proc Freq, Medicaid Eligibility and Eligibility Types, Proc Sort, Proc Tabulate, Long Term Care, Modifying and Combining Data in SAS, Merging Data, HIPAA and IRB and Administrative Claims Data, SAS Arrays, SAS Lag and Retain commands, Observational Study Designs, Threats to Internal Validity, Causal Associations, SAS Macros, Basic Statistical Reporting, Good Research Practices with Observational data, Cohort Studies, Case Control Studies, Basic OLS Regression and Selection Bias, Proc REG, Proc GLM, Regression Diagnostics in SAS, Overview of Non-Medicaid Administrative Claims Data, Time Series Designs, Proc AUTOREG, Introduction to ARIMA.modeling, Risk Adjustment and Predictive Modeling, Transferring and Exporting SAS files, Propensity Scores, Proc Logisitic and Propensity Scoring in SAS
- PHSC 5323 Foundations of Pharmaceutical Evaluation and Policy Research Methods: Funding Sources for PEP Research and Developing a Budget, Pharmaceutical Research Contracts and Grant programs, Government and Organizational sources for funding, Dissertation grant programs, Graduate Fellowships, Developing a budget for retrospective observational studies, Proposal review process/authorship, Presentation/Publication of research, Data Sources, Administrative data bases, Defining different levels of measurement, Evaluating and conducting Reliability assessment studies, Content, Construct, and Criterion validity assessment of scales, Evaluating and conducting validity assessment studies, Experimental designs, Sources of invalidity, Hierarchy of Designs, Pre-experimental, quasi experimental, and truly experimental designs, Standard sources of invalidity to consider when evaluating a study designs, Quasi Experimental Designs, Validity considerations of observational studies with non-equivalent control groups,Non Experimental Designs, Case Reports.
- PHPR 5734 Pharmacy Management: Financial Statements (P&L Statement, Balance Sheet), Financial Performance Measures.
Research & Scholarly Interests
- Pharmaceutical Policy Analyses
- Burden of Illness Studies
- Pharmacoepidemiologic and Pharmacoeconomic Research using Large Administrative Databases
- Risk Assessment and Risk Adjustment
- Cost Effectiveness Modeling
Honors & Awards
- Arkansas HealthCare Heroes, Health Professional Hero of the Year, 2019
- Investigator Award, Substantial Contributions to the Literature of Clinical Pharmacy. Arkansas College of Clinical Pharmacy, 2016.
- ISPOR Distinguished Service Award: Program Committee Co-Chair, 2016
- Best Poster Presentation: Hammond D, Kathe N, Shah A, Martin BC. Cost Effectiveness of H2RAs versus PPIs for Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis in Critically Ill Patients. Southern Pharmacy Administration Conference, Oxford MS, June 26, 2016.
- ISPOR Distinguished Service Award: Task Force Chair Assessing Retrospective Studies for Health Care Decision Makers 2014
- ISPOR Distinguished Service Award: Short Course Development and Quality Assurance Committee Chair (2012-2014)
- Exceptional Reviewer: JMCP – 2013, 2017, 2019
- Exceptional Reviewer: J Pharmacoepi and Drug Safety – 2012
- AACP-AFPE Pharmacy Faculty New Investigator, 2004
American Society of Health System Pharmacy Foundation 2003 Pharmacy Practice Research Award for the research manuscript: Nerurkar J, Wade WE, Martin BC. (2002) “Costs Per Death Averted with Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis in Patients Undergoing Knee Arthroplasty or Replacement.” Pharmacotherapy. 22(8): 990-1000. AFPE Fellow: - Awarded by the American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education in 2004.
- Career Development Certificate of Recognition for greatly contributing to the career development of UGA students, September 1, 2003.
- Selected as Gold Review Panel for the Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy 2002-03
- Named in Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare, 4th Edition.
- Honor Society (member)
- International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
- Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy
- American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy