Director of Division of Pharmaceutical Evaluation & Policy
Pharmaceutical Evaluation & Policy
Dr. Jacob T. Painter serves as the Director of the Division of Pharmaceutical Evaluation and Policy at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, where he is also an Associate Professor. Additionally, he is a Health Research Scientist at the Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System and the Associate Director of the VA Center for Mental Healthcare & Outcomes Research.
Dr. Painter’s educational background includes a Doctor of Pharmacy and a Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy, providing him with a strong foundation in both clinical practice and research methodologies. His expertise lies in translating research findings into actionable decision-making tools for clinicians and policymakers. His research focuses primarily on evaluating the costs and value associated with implementing and providing innovative health interventions, with a particular emphasis on treatments for mental health disorders and pain management.
Dr. Painter has held key roles on numerous extramurally funded research projects, including serving as principal investigator, site principal investigator, and co-investigator. He has extensive experience managing research teams, working with large datasets, and contributing to impactful health services research.
Education & Training
- Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of Kentucky, Graduate School
Dissertation: Chronic opioid use in fibromyalgia syndrome: characteristics and outcomes
Dissertation defended: April 2012
Graduated: May 2012 - Graduate Certificate in Informatics
University of Kentucky, Graduate School
Completed 2012 - Schutte Fellowship in Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy
University of Kentucky, College of Pharmacy
Completed 2011 - Master of Business Administration
University of Kentucky, Gatton College of Business and Economics
Graduated 2009 - Doctor of Pharmacy
University of Kentucky, College of Pharmacy
Graduated 2009
Teaching Responsibilities
- Pharmacy Management (PHPR 7301), Professional Program
Three credit hours, offered annually in the spring, 2012-present - Pharmacoepidemiology (PSGP 6113), Graduate Program
Three credit hours, offered biannually in the fall, 2013-present - Pharmaceutical Evaluation & Policy Seminar (PSGP 5109), Graduate Program
One credit hour, offered each semester - Research in Clinical Care (PHPR 7150), Professional Program
Two credit hours, offered annually in the spring, 2017-present
Research & Scholarly Interests
- HIV Translating Initiatives for Depression into Effective Solutions (HITIDES) – Hybrid Type 3 Implementation-Effectiveness Trial: Developmental Formative Evaluation
The proposed research will provide information necessary to move forward with HITIDES implementation. Interviewing VHA budget holders will allow our team to tailor the budget impact analysis proposed in Aim 3 of the study to the real-world needs of these decision makers. Specifically, we will elicit which pieces of information are necessary for decision making and develop data collection and modeling strategies as part of the analysis to provide this information. With this information, VHA decision makers, whether at VAMCs, VISNs, or VACO operational offices, can make an informed decision as to whether HITIDES implementation makes sense in their setting and provide clear guidance on what parameters would drive decisions determining financial support for the intervention.
Role: Principal Investigator - Behavioral Health QUERI: Advancing 21st Century Mental Health Care for Veterans
The goal of this study is to advance mental health care for Veterans by improving care for those with complex behavioral health conditions, including those at highest risk for suicide. - Implementing Caring Contacts for Suicide Prevention in Non-Mental Health Settings
The major goal of this project is to implement and evaluate Caring Contacts, a suicide prevention intervention, in 25 VA emergency departments across 9 VISNs.
Role: Co-Investigator - Advance Care Planning – Group Visits National Initiative
This project develops a dissemination pathway for an enterprise wide initiative that allows rural Veterans to more readily access and work with health professionals specially trained in advance care planning. - Risk Stratified Enhancements to Clinical Care (REACH-VET)
Targeting care for patients identified through predictive modeling as being at high risk for suicide, with the Office of Mental Health Operations. The major goal of this project is to evaluate the implementation of the REACH VET program using virtual external facilitation. - PRIME Care (PRecision medicine In MEntal health Care)
The goal of this project is to evaluate the utility of pharmacogenetic (PGx) testing in treating major depressive disorder (MDD). Focusing on PGx in mental illness represents a distinct opportunity for the VA to contribute to the advancement of precision medicine in the United States, complementing the work of other federal agencies to advance the personalized treatment of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and other medical disorders.
Role: Co-Investigator - Evaluation of Primary Care-Integrated Pain Support (PIPS)
The goals of this project are to: (1) advance knowledge and address gaps in access to and engagement in evidence-based mental healthcare; (2) support innovative health services research to advance implementation science and implement evidence-based practices; (3) support mentoring and career development of mental health services researchers; and (4) encourage and support clinical-research partnerships and cross-medical center research collaboration.
Role: Co-Investigator - HSR&D COIN (Center Of Innovation) Center For Mental Healthcare & Outcomes Research
This COIN seeks to: 1) Advance knowledge and address gaps in access to and engagement in evidence-based MH/SUD care; 2) Develop, test, and implement suicide prevention strategies; 3) Advance innovative research outside of focus areas; 4) Strengthen strategic partnerships and collaborations with other centers and investigators to address VA priorities; 5) Provide training, mentoring, and career development in MH services research and implementation science; and 6) Engage Veterans and stakeholders in CeMHOR research.